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Youth @ SMSC


Saints youth is more than just a youth group

Saints Youth was born when St Marys and St Clair became one church, the youth were the first to fully realize the change and have paved the way for the church since. Saints Youth is more than just a youth group; Saints is a congregation where crew come to hear about Jesus, enjoy fellowship and have a decent amount of fun as they grow in faith. Saints is an important step for our young people and the training grounds for future leaders.


This term at Saints

  • A general youth night might go like this -
    We start off by hanging out and catching up.
    Then we come together and hear a teaching time before going into discussion groups.
    After discussion groups we have supper before launching into an activity or game

  • Youth is free for visitors, but costs $2 for regulars ($5 for families of 3 or more).

  • Not at all - but you’ll be invited to examine Jesus in the bible with us and ask questions about him.